Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Go Read Somebody Else Today

The internet is a black hole, and today, in particular, I was derailed from my work -- including some new blog posts! -- by a few articles online that I want to share: 

My interviewees, many of whom do not fit into traditional molds or hold traditionally recognizable titles of success -- CEO, Concertmaster of A Major Orchestra -- instead define what success means to them and set and attain goals based on that. Today, Diane Ragsdale has an article considering how arts organizations might (re)define success in the 21st century, rather than continuing to benchmark against outdated or irrelevant goals. She cites what I found to be an interesting Times op-ed about social media.

In my last post, I mentioned that I recently applied to Temple's Fox School of Business. One of my essays touched on nonprofit ethics, accountability, and transparency as they relate to recent orchestral crises. These issues are way outside of the scope of this blog -- but suffice to say, Drew McManus' article today caught my eye, compelled me to comment, and got my brain spinning in a lot of different directions about this major problem that is potentially fatal to some organizations.

So, happy reading for today, and please keep coming back!

PS:  I will be in L.A. and Santa Barbara, posting from the road, from January 17-23! Please let me know if you'd like to meet up for me to interview you (see my criteria here) or just to hang out!

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